Hail Storm Videos

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Your local Car Hail Damage Repair Company Colorado

Hail Storms

Hail storms can cause some serious car damage. If and when your vehicle is caught in a storm, contact Hail Dent Surgeon. Our commitment to service and quality is second to none. Fort Collins hail storm was in June of 2014. Please see how this effected the whole area.

Hail Car Damage Car roof being hammered by heavy hail storm

If your vehicle has sustained hail damage, please view the following

Paintless Hail Repair or commonly called Paintless Hail Damage Removal Repair in Fort Collins Colorado and Nearby Cities is a highly specialized process that utilizes surgically fabricated tools designed to gain access behind the damaged panel. Pressure is applied to the hail damaged areas while meticulously massaging, manipulating and reforming the metal back into its pre-damaged position.

How does Fort Collins Colorado's Paintless Hail Damage Repair differ from Conventional Auto Body Repair?

Paintless Hail Damage Repair does not conceal hail damage, rather removes it from the underside of the panel without the use of body fillers (body putty), sanding or repainting the automobile. Panels are not replaced and painted requiring blending into adjacent panels in order to match paint color and texture. Paintless Hail Repair is the logical “first choice solution” for auto hail repair and is the only form of repair that retains the original body panels and paint finish.

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